Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Trendy or Not?

Yesterday I saw 3 different woman wearing sunglasses that matched their cars.
White frames lady drove a white Suburban.
Yellow frame lady drove a yellow Sunfire.
Lastly, little miss red frame lady was driving a red Grand Am.
Am I missing something?
I'm lucky I guess because I drive a black CUV so every pair of my sunglasses match!
Think of the money I saved?

Are you seeing this new trend or is it just me?

Happy Wednesday!
- Jennifer


Michelle said...

Nope its not just you!!!

Or is it?

I have a black car too!!!


Heff said...

I haven't noticed it yet, but more power to 'em. Women in sunglasses are SEXY.

♥ Braja said...

No, it's not a trend, it's just a slew of tasteless women :))

Cowguy said...

I dunno... but I wear tan hats so that it'll match the lunch stains on my shirt.

Is that anything at all like the same thing?

I thought not.

Captain Dumbass said...

What kind of sunglasses go with a butane blue 2005 Caravan?

Susie said...

I haven't seen this but if it's a trend, I need some purple shades to match my PT Cruiser:-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! What happened to the gunplay in your neighborhood post?


Mnmom said...

Both my van and my sunglasses are old, scratched, and leaning. So maybe it IS a trend?