Friday, February 29, 2008


Is 4:00am early or is it just me that seems to be up at this hour? I had to try out my new snow bib's this morning to see if they kept me warm?? Yep, they do! I'm attending our local rock n roll radio station's event this weekend on my girlfriend's lake where they cut through the ice and
idiot's (we won't mention any names) "plunge" into the water??? Mind you, the water has to be
like -1000 degrees. Di and I will be sitting back warm and comfy sitting on a snowmobile
watching from afar. Photo's to follow...check back!! So I decide at 4:00am to shovel my own
driveway this morning. "Blue Knight" got me going on that. Not that Bobcat dude can't do it, I'm
sure he appreciates one less driveway to clear but I enjoy shoveling. You get to see your
accomplishment while clearing! Just as you do mowing the lawn. Give me a riding lawn mower
and I'm a happy gal. I solve all the world's problems mowing acres of lawn. Oh wait, I don't have
a lawn to mow anymore because I'm in a townhouse. Anybody need their lawn mowed?

Luna how is that cable lead workin' for ya??? Dork!!

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