Saturday, November 22, 2008

Nothing is more upsetting than......

Nothing upsets me more lately than our meat departments new ground beef packaging. It's this textured hamburger crap. I cook A LOT and I LOVE hate this new way they process the hamburger. You have to pull apart all of this stringy, flingy hamburger and it cooks up terrible.

I prefer the old way of processing hamburger. See example of "nothing was wrong with this way" of perfect processing.'s bulk. You plop the whole package in the pan, give it a couple of swirls of the wooden spoon and your done.

Disclaimer: I still use my wooden spoons for cooking utensils. Sue me, I'm still alive dispite what Martha Stewart says about "you'll die from salmonella" if you use wooden utensils.

What don't you like about your meat department?

Did I mention I'd rather be in Mexico right now (Our waiter Carlos)


- Jennifer


Susie said...

I don't like the prices in our meat department. Of course, I don't like the prices anywhere!!

Does she really say to not use wooden utensils? Huh, I have never hear that. I use them all the time.

Dr Zibbs said...

It's all in the grinder head.

Anonymous said...

so glad we could meat like this..

Lesley said...

I'm right there with you...yucky....

Gwen said...

I don't really have a complaint about my meat department but if we're asking for things . . . I wish the butchers were younger, cuter and ready to satisfy my every whim.

Vodka Mom said...

At our store, they now have hamburger in long plastic tubes!!!!!!! GROSS. I am NOT kidding.

Michelle said...

I don't have a meat department because i do not eat meat!!

It all looks kinda gross to me! Sorry!

Unknown said...

We had a place that colored the meat on the outside so that it looked better - so it was read and the inside was brown.


Rhea said...

take me to Mexico with you, please!

I have heard about not using wooden utensils. I still have some but I don't use them as much...

We have some awesome meat in our department but I bet I don't cook enough or know enough about meat to really say

Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned how much i SKEEVE ground meat?
