Friday, October 17, 2008

The Wild Wild West

I was blessed in my life to have lived in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico and then Mulege, Mexico where I owned a 40 acre horse ranch down there and gave tourist horseback rides in the mountains, desert and the beaches.

Here's a picture of three of my 14 horses. That's Lobo on the right. He's a gelding so don't panic. He loved being let out to Play chase the girls.

Great memories and I miss my ponies a lot. Sold the ranch and moved back to the states after 4 years. It's very difficult to live in a third world country I tell ya when you have family back here in the states. I try to go back every year. I've been successful so far.

AND ITS Candid Carrie's Phryday Foto Phiesta! RUN RUN RUN on over there and check out everyone's photo's !!!!!!

Happy Friday!!!

- Jennifer


Susie said...

It's every little girls' dream to live in Cabo San Lucas...I mean...have a pony:-) You just got to live it:-)

Dr Zibbs said...

Great pics!

Michelle said...

Wonderful photo!!

Horsies are so cool!!!

Outnumbered2to1 said...

What a cool life you had. Thanks for sharing.

SouthernDogwoods said...

So pretty - great action shot!

jen721 said...

That is a great action shot. I bet Lobo had a lot of fun chasing those two.

Cowguy said...

Great shot of the horses kiddo!

Lori said...

Cool! They look like they're posed.

Nik said...

What a GREAT picture! BEAUTIFUL horses. We're currently looking for property/horses so all I can do is sit here and *sigh* at your picture. Thanks for sharing!

Jennifer said...

Those are beautiful horses--I'm sure you miss them! I love the action pic!