Friday, August 7, 2009

Texting, Schmexting!

Shit, what happen to the good ole' days when we use to use CUSEEME or MIRC. All we had to remember was LMAO or LOL. Look at what the kids these days have to remember!

CYBERSPACE—Most parents are in the dark when it comes to what different “codes” mean in their kids’ text messages. Sometimes these codes are meant to keep parents from actually knowing what they are talking about.

We have a compiled a list of common codes to bring light to what may actually be discussed:

143: I love you

420: Marijuana

9: Parent is watching

99: Parent is no longer watching

AITR: Adult in the room

CD9: Code 9, parents are around

CICYHW: Can I copy your homework?

CM: Call me

C/S (also COS): Change of subject

CT: Can’t talk

CYM: Check your mail

CYO: See you online

CYT: See you tomorrow

DARFC: Ducking and running for cover

DOC: Drug of choice

DURS: Damn you are sexy

DUSL: Do you scream loud?

DWB: Don’t write back

DWWWI: Surfing the World Wide Web while intoxicated

EML: E-mail me later

EWI: E-mailing while intoxicated

GAB: Getting a beer

GANB: Getting another beer

GFN: Gone for now

GTG: Got to go

HOIC: Hold on, I’m coming

IMEZRU: I am easy, are you?

IOH: I’m outta here

IPN: I’m posting naked

IRL: In real life

ISO: In search of

IWALU: I will always love you

JP: Just playing

KPC: Keeping parents clueless

LHOS: Let’s have online sex

LHSO: Let’s have sex online

LMIRL: Let’s meet in real life

LTTIC: Look the teacher is coming

MA: Mature audience

M4C: Meet for coffee

MLAS: My lips are sealed

MOS: Mom over shoulder

MTF: More to follow

MUBAR: Messed up beyond all recognition

MUSM: Miss you so much

NE1ER: Anyone here?

MWBRL: More will be revealed later

NIFOC: Nude in front of the computer

NME: Enemy

NP: No problem or nosy parents, depending on context

OAO: Over and out

OBX: Old battle ax

P911: Parent alert

P&C: Private and confidential

PA: Parent alert

PAL: Parents are listening

PAW: Parents are watching

PBB: Parent behind back

PBEM: Play by e-mail

PLOS: Parents looking over shoulder

POM: Parent over my shoulder

POS: Parent over shoulder or piece of (expletive)

PRON: Porn (intentionally misspelled to mislead)

PRW: Parents are watching

RLCO: Real life conference

RN: Right now

RNN: Reply not necessary

RUH: Are you #####?

RUT: Are you there?

RUUP4IT: Are you up for it?

RYO: Roll your own

SEC: Wait a second

SLAP: Sounds like a plan

SLM: See last mail

SMAIM: Send me an instant message

SMEM: Send me e-mail

T@YL: Talk at you later

TBC: To be continued

TBD: To be determined

TDTM: Talk dirty to me

TOM: Tomorrow

TTUL: Talk to you later

WYM: What do you mean?

XTC: Ecstasy

YBS: You’ll be sorry

YIWGP: Yes, I will go private

Have a super weekend everyone. I'm off to Farm Town!

- Jennifer


Mama Dawg said...

Makes me rethink getting a home computer!

Susie said...

It's incredible how many are about sex! Jeez!! I wish I were getting that much:-)

DKG aka Scrappy Doo said...

thank the Lord my kid is 22 otherwise I'd be brain dead LOL

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