Thursday, June 18, 2009

Classic Cars

We're going to the "Back to the 50's Classic Car Show" this weekend. We'll be seeing a lot of these. Oh, one other thing. Why do guys always drive classic cars with their right arm extended up on the top of the seat? To look cool? What happened to both hands on the wheel at the 10 & 2 position? I don't get it.

Anyway, Have a Wonderful Thursday!

- Jennifer


Gwen said...

My grampa rebuilt a '57 Fairlane retractacble hardtop from scraps he found in junkyards. It was gorgeous. I guess it goes without saying that I LOVE cars shows. Have a ball!

Susie said...

Looks like fun! We are going to the Nationwide race at the Milwaukee Mile today. It is my first NASCAR race so, I am pretty excited:-)