Thursday, March 19, 2009

Now Why Doesn't This Happen To Me?

Please tell me, why can't this happen to me when I come out my front door?
Some people have ALL THE LUCK!!
Happy Friday Eve!
~ Jennifer


Mama Dawg said...

Oh, I want a moose! What an awesome pet! LOL!

Mnmom said...

The LAST thing you'd want is a Momma Moose defending her little one. They can get mean!

Just Jules said...

don't count them too lucky yet! There is nothing meaner then a mama moose defending baby - well maybe a mama bear since they have sharper teeth!

Cowguy said...

That's "meese"... right?


Tracy Griffin - Artist said...

Welllll.... while mooses live in parts of Minnesota, me thinks they don't adore your part of the lovely city... or, you didn't leave out the low-sodium salt lick! :)

Susie said...

I don't big does moose poop get anyway?

Unknown said...

You need to learn how to do a moose call... that'll get em running.

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

That is such a neat picture! I too would love that to happen on my front door. I guess they can get pretty mean though. I would just love to see a moose anywhere here in MN.