Monday, January 12, 2009

Ice Fishing

Has anyone ever gone Ice Fishing? Me neither. But I'd like to!!

If I DID decide to go, this is the fish house I'd like to sit in!
Yep. Looks like a nice comfy way to go Ice Fishing. Sign me up!!

P.S. Gran Torino was excellent. Highly recommend it!
Have a Super Monday!
- Jennifer


Candy's daily Dandy said...

Yeah...we could most definitely hang out together.

Verdant Earl said...

The only part of ice fishing that appeals to me is the booze.

And I can do that indoors, thank you very much. ;)

Unknown said...

You know you're from Minnesota when the majority of your high school parties were held in an ice fishing house.

Gwen said...

I did, when I was a kid. Our pond was 50 feet from the house so we didn't have a cool "ice house" but I did go ice fishing. It was fun.

Captain Dumbass said...

Hmm, drag that thing to shore and we'll talk.

Mama Dawg said...

That looks cool!

Michelle said...

Ice fishing!!!!???


Stay warm is my motto!!!

That Janie Girl said...

I wanna go!

Susie said...'s going to be negative 10 here today. Even that Taj Mahal of ice shanties doesn't speak to me:-)

Our Two Blessings From Above said...

Sign me up for that ice house too! Going ice fishing is on my bucket list. With the weather we are having maybe I will go sometime in May.