Saturday, November 8, 2008

Exclusive Weekend Club

Dr. Zibbs - That Blue Yak aka (Zibsy) being the egocentric person that he is, will be having some sort of "winners" weekend club. Go figure! Be sure to go over there and check it out. Maybe you'll win something???? Trust me I know, I won one of his shitty prizes this past week. Good luck and may the force be with you!!

Have a super weekend!
- Jennifer & Sandi


Dr Zibbs said...

(tipping toeing onto the set like Bobby Bittman coming onto the Sammy Maulin Show) - Hi everyone its me. Dr Zibbs. Listen up to these gals and come on over and see me you hear?

Susie said...

Hey guess what? I have something for you on my blog today;-)