Friday, October 10, 2008


Michael you see it????

It's Candid Carrie's Phryday Foto Phiesta! RUN RUN RUN on over there and check out everyone's photo's !!!!!!

Happy Friday!

- Jennifer


Candid Carrie said...

I see it, at first I thought it was The Virgin Mary, but now I see it!

A New Yorker said...

Never was into the watermelon.

Sunshine said...

Oh man, that's freaking me out a little...Phelps or no...

Susie said...

Wow!! I did you do that? That's really neat.

Mama Dawg said...

That is AMAZING!

Outnumbered2to1 said...

Haha. That's hilarious. Freaky but hilarious.

Jo-Jo said...

I love Phelps as a spewing zombie!

Nik said...

That is REALLY cool and REALLY freaky at the same time!

Thanks for sharing! said...

This is so cool! I totally see Phelps in it. How did you get the water to come out like that?

Kelly said...

A little freaky, but cool....

Michelle said...

It's freaky but very artistic and creative! I wish i could do stuff like that or think of stuff like that to do!!!